The narrator’s perspective is an important part of how the novel should work for the reader. At first glance, it does not seem to be very complicated. Either you use the first person (1st person), which is expressed with the help of the I-form or the third person (3rd person) who is expressed with the help of he or she. Remember that the narrator’s perspective affects the structure of the whole story and Order Essay Online Cheap.
1st person
Advantages of the perspective are that it is easy to write in the 1st person and that the reader can easily live into the character and identify themselves, which creates a sense of presence. If the main character is often at the center of the story, the 1st person is a good choice.
The downside is that the story can become thin because only one person drives the story forward. There is a risk that the reader gets tired of the self: that is, the main character because the experience becomes so one-way when you do not follow the story from someone else’s perspective.
3rd person
Third person gives room for more choices because you can go into different people and approach the different events in the novel from several perspectives and from different points of view. It is easier to build a plot when the reader gets to follow the same event from different perspectives, but it should also be said that it is difficult to get it nice and above all smooth and natural, but do not give up: training gives skill!
Third person close perspective person. This is the most common form. It is basically as close to the characters as an I-perspective, with the difference that you write him or her. You use this layout when you have several characters.
The omniscient perspective
If you want to go into many people in your novel, choose the omniscient perspective. The narrator sees and knows everything and has access to all people’s thoughts. The omniscient narrator can also account for future events.
The objective perspective
The objective perspective means that the author distances himself from novel characters. Often the reader does not find out anything other than the course of events and the environment. The course of events should be described in detail so that it is easier for the reader to follow both the story and the plot. Use this perspective if you want to work with so-called subtext, where you with small means give the reader the type of information that gives rise to both mood and emotions.
Create scenes
Problems often arise when writing longer texts. It’s easy to lose control of your story, get tired of your characters, get stuck and unable to write. In order not to get lost in your writing, it is good that you create an overview of what you are doing.
Create structure by dividing the story into scenes. What then is a scene? A scene is an event and by keeping track of the events you get a better overview and that it is easier to follow a common thread in the story. Then you can categorise the events according to meaning: introductory scene, key scenes, scenes and side tracks where the scenes act as either clarification or transition to a new scene.
Create your own style
What makes you unique as a writer? Your language, your story? In a novel, there are three areas where you can differentiate yourself:
As for the content , there are no new ideas, it is more about finding a new angle on old themes.
Outline of the text . Feel free to apply an unconventional approach and chronology because then the story will be more interesting.
A personal and interesting language image , which means that the language has the main role, not the characters. Innovative and unconventional ways of building sentences, sentences and paragraphs make the story worth reading! The language reflects the content and creates a new type of story of a certain theme.
Create distance and use response
When you feel you are done: edit the text again after letting it “rest” for a while. Also have someone else read the text before you leave it.
Sören Bondeson’s text Source has been the basis for my edited and expanded version.
A tip to facilitate the creation of the story is to use Storyboard (a series-like overview of a story). This page briefly describes how to write a novel – from start to finish!
First idea
Brainstorm! So throw a lot of ideas into one document. I come up with an example with references to world literature:
“One morning a man finds his nose in his breakfast bread. He acts calmly, while his wife gets upset and begs him out to look for his nose, but in vain. At the same time in another part of town an official without a nose wakes up who makes him both furious and desperate, so has also set out to look for it, among their own for men belonging to different social classes.
In a church, the missing Nose is found, well-dressed and arrogant. They meet. “
Here we have the frame story, but in order for the inner one to remain so short, we need to expand the story with more content, so we move on to the next point.
Develop the idea
Develop the idea of adding the “journey” between the bedroom and the kitchen. Paint an ordinary breakfast scene that is broken up by the surreal (surreal) event with the missing nose ..
We may get to step into the man’s thoughts where he wonders if he’s still asleep. And describe his actions when he finds out that it is not a dream.
Describe his wife’s reactions in detail. Describe how they converse (talk to each other) and what the interaction (how they act in each other’s company) looks like? Are they newly in love or are they gnawing at each other like an old couple?
Describe his “journey” from home through the city’s winding streets, through alleys, over bridges, up and down stairs and whom he meets along the way. Feel free to alternate this with how he is constantly trying to hide that he has lost his nose and writing.
When it comes to the other man’s search for his nose, one can set up the two men’s search as a parallel story where one alternates the two men’s wanderings within their specific social contexts in that they belong to two different social classes and move in the same city but in very different environments.
The dissolution takes place in the church where they meet. Describe the confrontation in detail; preferably with shorter sentences and dialogue so that it is fast!