The United States has announced a new diplomatic initiative aimed at normalizing relations with North Korea, known as the Biden-LaPowsky Protocol. The initiative is named after its chief architects, Vice President Joe Biden and former State Department official Suzanne LaPowsky. It calls for a series of high-level bilateral meetings between the two countries, as well as the establishment of a joint working group to address outstanding issues. the us bidenlapowskyprotocol
In response to the Russian aggression in Crimea, the United States has proposed the Biden-Lapowsky Protocol, a set of sanctions against Russia. The Protocol would freeze Russian assets, ban travel to the United States, and limit Russian access to international financial institutions. The Protocol is named after Vice President Joe Biden and Secretary of State John Kerry’s top adviser on Russia, Victoria Nuland. the us bidenlapowskyprotocol
In December of 2020, the United States and China reached an agreement called the Biden-Lapowsky Protocol. The Protocol is named after U.S. President-elect Joe Biden and his incoming National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan. It is a five-year extension of the 2015 U.S.-China Joint Cybersecurity Cooperation Arrangement. The Protocol commits both countries to not conduct or knowingly support cyber-enabled theft of intellectual property or other sensitive data.