What Are VPAT Reports?
A VPAT report includes a completed voluntary product accessibility template as well as all of the report’s other content.
In the marketplace, the term “VPAT” will dominate discussions regarding the VPAT security associated with demonstrating adherence to the defined accessibility requirements and recommendations. This is technically inaccurate because a VPAT refers to a blank template that has not been filled out to account for the accessibility of a product or service.
During procurement processes, you’ll undoubtedly hear more and more procurement departments request a “VPAT.” When they do, just understand that what they actually want is a VPAT report, also known as an accessibility conformance report (ACR).
Purpose Of VPAT ACRs
VPAT ACRs serve the following purposes:
1. Educate people on a product or service’s accessibility and limitations
Accessible VPAT ACRs assist potential customers of their associated products or services in learning about the accessibility characteristics of the products or services as well as their limits for users with impairments. This allows purchasers to make informed judgments about purchasing such products or services.
2. Unlocking the possibilities of businesses working with federal entities
VPAT ACRs provide as proof that a business complies with the revised Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act. As a result, they assist businesses in participating in federal procurement processes that involve their products or services. Having a VPAT ACR for every electronic and information technology (EIT) product or service allows federal agencies to procure the product or service.
Businesses who want to be featured on the federal government’s Vendor Accessibility Resource Center, for example, must include a link to their online VPAT ACR.
3. Helpingin product improvement
VPAT ACRs highlight any accessibility defects detected during the VPAT assessment process, as well as the steps the business intends to take to resolve those accessibility issues.
By documenting the areas for improvement in the product or service, the VPAT ACR helps businesses start working on rectifying the accessibility challenges, which ensures continuous product improvement and quality.
4. Demonstration of conformance with accessibility laws
VPAT ACRs certify that a business complies with anti-discrimination and accessibility regulations. This safeguards the business against potential accessibility lawsuits and the high penalties that come with them. This is due to the fact that VPAT ACRs are developed using accessibility criteria and technical specifications that ensure compliance with existing anti-discrimination and accessibility regulations.
5. Engagement of customers with disabilities and saving procurement time
The information contained in VPAT ACRs can be used by businesses to engage with the market of people with disabilities. The ACRs provide essential answers to potential questions, saving the business or buyer considerable time that could have been spent in the procurement process before closing the sale or purchase.
6. Inspire innovation and cut the periods for delivering quality products
The fact that VPAT ACRs require a business to document both the accessibility features of their products or services as well as the accessibility challenges makes the business reflect on the challenges with a view to rapidly dealing with them so that their products or services are not seen as less superior to those of their competitors.
7. Encouraging the hiring and retention of competent staff or consultants
VPAT ACRs have an impact on a business’s brand. Businesses strive to ensure their brands are viewed positively with regard to accessibility. To ensure or maintain this, they hire and retain a diverse range of thinkers, including people with disabilities. This fosters the attainment of accessibility and inclusivity goals.
8. Nurturing positive competition
Because VPAT ACRs are accessible, businesses are able to review those of their competitors’ products and services and learn from them what issues they could integrate into their own. This fosters competitiveness, which leads to overall improved product and service quality, including accessibility.
Wondering What Is VPAT Compliance Or Need Help Creating A VPAT ACR?
Youcan get help with preparingVPAT ACRsby reviewing a completed VPAT document example, or with any aspect of VPAT compliance, byshooting them at a convenient using (626) 486-2201and they’ll get a consult on the books to attend to your needs. Consultations are always free!