Yesterday, when I was completing my writing I decided to disconnect my laptop and head downstairs to sit on the couch in our living area. The only outlet near the sofa was not in good repair, and the second outlet was too far from where I could connect my laptop to. I decided instead to run my laptop off the battery for a bit.
As it got somewhat low in charge, I went up to the upstairs area and plugged it in with around 20 minutes of charge left. Then it hit me that it wasn’t charging. The fact that it was an original battery, was less likely to trigger unexpected problems than battery brands that are third party. Read more laptop battery not charging hp
The first step I took was to panic and panic, which was not the most sensible choice. Being anxious when the battery isn’t charging can result in more issues and a lack of clarity. After a short time I stopped to think when I closed my laptop, and thought about what the root of this problem could be.
5. Shut down Windows again , and then remove from the power source.
6. Install the battery, connect the AC cord in the same order and then boot the laptop.
The battery will be detected at boot time and hopefully be charged properly once more.
Due to the variety of combinations available, you might need to experiment with slightly different methods if these strategies don’t work for you. Another option is to uninstall the driver for the battery in Device Manager after taking out the battery from the laptop while it is running on AC power. It’s not the type of technique you’ll want to test until all other possibilities have been tested due to the risk of unplugging the battery from a live one.
A while later, I was able to come up with couple of ways to let the battery begin charging once more.
Is Windows Causing The Problem?
FThere have been times during the years when Windows was experiencing issues with batteries. This includes the well-known Windows 7 “Considering replacing the battery” error. The issue was fixed later using hotfix.
It is obvious that you don’t require an entire 1GB+ distro. selecting one of the couple hundred Megabytes will suffice. Sax Linux works excellent for this, as it is about 220MB. If your battery functions just as it should in Linux then you could identify the issue as Windows related. Some possible solutions to fix the issue on the following page may help.
Method One
The first step I took when I had the issue you mentioned was to take batteries from laptops, and keep the AC cord in place. After that, I started it up using the power cord on its own till Windows is fully loaded after which I put the battery back in the laptop, even though it was powered running. It worked, and although it is little risky for the majority of people, I wouldn’t recommend using this method unless you absolutely have to and in the event that you had no other option.
Method Two
Another option and one I’d advise before disconnecting batteries while laptop is running the laptop is to:
Open up the Windows Device Manager (Control -> System -> Device Manager).
Method Three
Unfortunately, there’s no any one-stop battery charging solution. It’s also not a scientifically exact process. If none of the above solutions perform, there are alternatives to this technique that can solve the issue. This is another method that’s well-known to perform.
2. Shut down Windows and take out the battery.
3. Then, reconnect the AC adapter, and start the computer.
4. Follow the instructions above for removing any Microsoft ACPI Compliant Control Method Battery entries listed in Device Manager.