Telephones are now an integral part of countries around the world. Even students are supposed to use phones for their studies nowadays. With the embark on an ideal question: should education be free for everyone and meeting, such needs on online platforms are pushing the kids towards different mobile addiction. These powerful devices provide a high level of communication and connectivity that would not be possible without their presence. Many people find them essential in their personal and professional lives. Indeed, being able to contact by phone is so important that companies like Voice Nation are focusing on offering high-quality answering services.
Mobile phones have taken over almost every aspect of American culture. They are essential pieces of workplace and entertainment equipment and status symbols for critical safety components and more. Companies like Google, Samsung, and Apple constantly release new versions to compete with consumers’ hearts and cash. One issue that has been at the root of the debate about cell phones has been their use by children and teens, teens, and teens. According to National Public Radio, 53 per cent of American youth used a telephone by the age of 11, and eighty per cent of teenagers had it in 2019. However, parents and others have expressed concern about children’s smartphone use.
Poor for study and lack of focus
A legitimate and standard concern is that smartphones will distract young people. Encouraging them to focus on more important things such as family time. School work and planning for the next life stage. Parents worry that their children’s grades will drop as teens and children ignore homework and study, scrolling through texts on social media, playing videos, scrolling through photos, and other technology-related activities. They may also have been concerned that their children might end up in school. Using their devices in the classroom and not studying. Or, they may stay up all night with their phones instead of sleeping and using their phones to do so. Concerns are heightened by the perception that screens are harmful to children by reducing their concentration and teaching young people how to satisfy their thirst for instant gratification.
Teenagers can get habitual.
Parents may also be concerned that their children may be addicted to smartphones, impacting their development, sleep and even lifestyle. There is an element of truth behind this worry. As a 2016 report revealed that 50 per cent of teenagers admitted being addicted to their devices. The issue of technology addiction is a concern for many. Even though there is an ongoing debate as to whether or not it is a factual matter.
Poor society development
There is also a perception that time spent with cell phones and other electronic devices can lead to young people not building social skills and developing relationships. Mobile phones are often seen to avoid talking or contacting others, despite their role as an effective means of communication. Many parents would want to avoid the idea of children looking at their phones at mealtime and then answering with grunts and one-word answers to questions about their lives.
More spending
Smartphones can be expensive with absolute gadgets and monthly plans. The desire to upgrade the phone to a more modern higher quality model every year adds to the price. Many working adults cannot pay for them. So the idea of teens and children buying such expensive gadgets is ridiculous or daunting for the people who own them. In addition, there is money to repair the phone if the owner is reckless and damages the phone. There are many reasons why a giving young person an expensive phone is not an ethical choice. Parents may even say that the phone is not needed because they did not need it when they were young. So today’s generation of children is too lax or empowered.
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